ACTRIMS Young Scientist Summit Logo

Young Scientist Summit in Clinical Neuroimmunology

A core value of ACTRIMS is to mentor, educate and foster the careers of students, neurology residents, postdoctoral fellows and junior faculty who are interested in MS-related research and/or clinical practice. 

The purpose of this Summit is to educate young investigators who do not have clinical training and are engaged in multiple sclerosis-related research about MS diagnostic criteria, clinical subtypes, epidemiology, neuropathology, and treatment. The long-term goal is to forge bridges between the bench and bedside that will help junior PhD investigators formulate research questions and projects and to seek collaborations with their physician colleagues, that are more likely to lead to translational advancements in MS. 

Applicants to the Young Scientist Summit are Master’s or PhD candidates or post-doctoral fellows engaged in multiple sclerosis-related research that are not MD/clinically trained.

As a North American organization, preference is given to applicants from the US and Canada. Acceptance of international applications is decided on a case-by-case basis.

Participation in the Young Scientist Summit is a great opportunity for scientists to both better understand how their research impacts patients with MS and become informed about current approaches in the diagnosis and treatment of MS, as well as network and discuss career pathways in research.  

The Young Scientist Summit program includes: 

  • Lectures on topics such as clinical trial design, current disease modifying therapies, paraclinical tests and outcome measures, and neuropathology of MS
  • Case study presentations
  • Workshops and panels on women and underrepresented minorities in MS research, global perspectives in MS research, animal models of MS, career pathways, and enhancing translational research
  • A poster session (Applicants can submit a poster abstract for inclusion during the application process.)
  • Networking opportunities.


Reflections from Past Attendees
“This was the best meeting I've attended so far. I learned a lot about MS and will be able to connect what I heard from clinicians to my own work. Additionally, it was the first meeting where I witnessed people advocating and acting as a community, without feeling like everyone was in competition.”

“The networking was amazing. Everyone was very open to connecting. I think it was especially great because of the small size of the event.”

“Wide variety of content presented at a level that was understandable and can spark new ideas and areas for further learning.”

“Everyone made me feel like an integral part of the MS community and that we are on the right track towards a cure for MS.”

Highlights from the 2024 Young Scientist Summit (Video)

Young Scientist Summit 2025
ACTRIMS will host the 2025 Summit in Spring of 2025. Applications will open January 2025. Please check back for updated information. 

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